Friday, October 5, 2007

This is me and my 15 seconds of FAME with the Simpsons Family. To create this image I had to make myself a Simpsons character on , then I got a picture of the Simpson's family. I cut myself out with the magnetic lasso and pasted myself on the photo. And there you have it, I am now part of THE SIMPSONS FAMILY!!!


Shriya said...

Your simpson is awesome! And it looks so real.


Anna said...


ud do great in the simpsons family
how ever the theme song goes

well done!!
- anna

nkhosla said...

Ur 15secs of fame is rlly kool. I wish i did the simpsons 2 but it was ur idea so o well. Ur 15 secs of fame is AWESOME LUV IT OMG IT AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

luv Lolly

Anna said...

u look great in the Simpsons familyyyyyyyy
GReAt j0b

Yun Jung said...

So cool and realistic!!! It just looks like YOU!!!

lydia said...

like it maya. but its a little to kl 4 u sry.
just joken like it a lot looks like ur part of the family