Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Brand New Me!!!

This is the NEW ME! All I did was use the magnetic lasso tool to cut me out of a picture and paste it on a new document. Then I changed the colors of the background and the colors of me, I then made my eyes bigger and hair stick out with a different tools. To make the new me stick out I colored the background a lime green. And THAT IS THE NEW ME!!!


Taylor said...

The new You is very cool i really like. I like how you made a smile and the big eyes. GrEaT jOb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anna said...

freaky alien from the lanet Xocuddmgf. weLL DONE on the brand new uuuuuuuuu!!!! G0od J0b

Anna said...

alien from the planet ocuddmgf