Thursday, November 1, 2007

Little Red Hat and the GIANT Pink Marshmallow

Little Red Hat and The GIANT Pink Marshmallow was directed and produced by Anna and I. To make this movie we had to write a treatment which is the 1st step in creating a digital story of PRE PRODUCTION. Then we had to write a script and make a story board. After that it was time for PROUDUCTION. We started finding images to use in our story and cut them out and paste them on Photoshop. Then we started to record our voices which was really hard, to get right. We also used a webcam for the beginnning of our story of Little Red Hat and the GIANT Pink Marshmallow. For the last step, POST PRODUCTION we edited our movies and published them. The stories were really fun and hard work! Working with partners in activities was really fun. I liked using Photoshop to cut out the images, but actually making the movie was the BEST!